March, 2025
March 2025
Mike Pishvaian: ‘Top Abstract Titles’ that I will be looking out for looking at ASCO GI
Jan 12, 2025, 15:28

Mike Pishvaian: ‘Top Abstract Titles’ that I will be looking out for looking at ASCO GI

Mike Pishvaian, GI Oncologist at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, shared on X:

“We’re in that gap between the holidays and GI-ASCO (if that matters to you)
And, we’re stuck here at home because of the snow outside.

So this is a perfect time to present my ‘Top Abstract Titles’ that I will be looking out for looking at ASCO GI.

Starting with Pancreatic Cancer and Ras.

Actually only 2 titles I saw:

1) Ignacio Garrido-Laguna, ctDNA blood changes in the Ph1 trial of the Ras(on) inhibition RMC-6236 Abs 722; Poster H10.

2) Alex Spira, a Ph1 trial of the G12D specific inhibition RMC-9805 Abs 724; Poster H12.

Trials in Pancreatic Cancer focused on HRD:

1) Dr. Kawamoto a Ph2 trial of nirap for BRCAm PDAC and BTC Abs 589; Post C15.

2) Peter Hosein updates on Ipi-Nivo for BRCAm PDAC Abs 715; Post H3.

3) Khalid Jazieh Ph2 trial of nirap+dostarlimab for HRDdef PDAC Abs 727; Post H15.

Two trials on the tissue factor inhibition , pamrevlumab (PAM) in Pancreatic Cancer, both by Dr. Piccozzi:

1) LAPIS, a R-Ph3 trial of chemo +/- PAM for LAPC, Oral Abstract 675.
2) The Precision Promise trial Pan CAN of PAM+gem/nab-pac for mPDAC, Oral Abstract 673.

Other trials in Pancreatic Cancer:

1) Dr. Liu aPh1b trial of FG-M108 in CLDN18.2+ PDAC, Abs 729, Post H17.
2) Eileen M O’Reilly the CD40 agonist, mitaz+FFX for mPDAC, Abs 723; Post H11.
3) Dr. Seufferlein the GOBLET study: pelareorep+FFX+atezo in mPDAC, Abs 730; Post H18.

Finally, some interesting surgical trials in Pancreatic Cancer:

1) and 2) Do we operate on PDAC with liver metastasis?

Dr. Wei will speak this in Abs 714, Post H2.
Dr. Kim speaks stratifying such patients, Abs 711, Post G25.
3) Dr. Li speaks the QOL impact of surgery for PDAC, Abs 699, Post G13.

Next,cholangiocarcinoma and there were a lot of very interesting titles here to watch out for, most in the realm of target therapy.

But one big adjuvant trial to look is:

Atul Sharm speaks a R-Ph3 trial of adjuvant Chemo vs. Chemotherapy for gallbladder cancer (ACCELERATE trial), Oral Abs 519.

Two abstracts the importance of NGS testing in cholangiocarcinoma:

1) Zheng-Lin speaks the Real-World impact of matched target therapy on survival in advanced BTC, Abs 536, Post A14.

2) James J. Harding, the Molecular and clinical determinants of target therapy outcomes in BTC, Abs 555, Post B7.

Finally, two additional abstracts to watch for in cholangiocarcinoma:

1) Priyanshi Shah speaks Long-term outcomes for MSI-H BTC patients on immunotherapy, Abs 592; Post C18.
2) Christos Fountzilas speaks target FGFR in the Ph2 trial of Tinengotinib for BTC patients Abs 608; Post D9.

For colorectal cancer, there are many great abstracts-so this is just a few to look:


1) Camilla Qvortrup, speaks a Single-cycle of neoadj pembro for Stage I-III MMRdef CRC, Oral Abs 19.
2) Jonathan Loree using ctDNA to support Non-Op management in rectal cancer, Oral Abs 20.

The BIG trial in colorectal cancer will be Scott Kopetz, BREAKWATER, the 1st line R-Ph3 trial of encorafenib + cetuximab + chemotherapy in BRAF V600E-mutant met CRC, Oral Abs 16.

And 3 immunotherapy trials in MCRC:

1) Thierry Andre speaks the LBA of Ipi-Nivo vs Nivo of dMMR mCRC, ABS LBA143.

2) Marwan G. Fakih Ph2 trial of BOT +/- Bal in MSS mCRC (no liver mets), Oral Abs 23.

3) Joel R Hecht speaks a Ph2 trial of a personalized Neo-Ant IO for MSS CRC, Abs LBA13.

Also many great UGI Ca trials. Here are a few that caught my eye:

1) Dr. Yan speaks a R-Ph3 trial of IP+IV vs IV taxol+S-1, Oral Abs 327.
2) Dr. Wong speaks CRS-HIPEC for Gastric Ca, Oral Abstract: 328.
3) Dr. Abe speaks Rfs for Gastric Ca patients with peritoneal Dz, Abs 400; Post D14.

Treatment of squamous cell esophageal cancer (SCC):

1) Dr. Leng speaks a R-Ph3 trial of sintilimab+Chemotherapy +/- chemotherapy as neoadj treatment for esophageal SCC, Abs LBA329.
2) Dr. Qi Wang speaks nimotuzumab+chemotherapy+IO as 1st-line Tx esophageal SCC, Abs 344.

And rounding out the review with several HCC and neuroendocrine tumor abstracts to watch for:

To wade into the debate of atezo-bev vs. durva-tremi as 1st line Tx for HCC Dr. Kournoutas speaks A Real World retrospective comparison of the two, Abs 532; Post A10.

And for the last of my abstract reviews – Dr. Strossberg will present 2 abstracts for NET:

1) A Ph1b trial of RYZ101 GEP-NETs after 177Lu-Tx (ACTION-1), Abs 661; Post F4.
2) ICIs for NET patients with High TMB or MMRdef after treatment with alkylating agents, Abs 662; Post F5.

I hope you all found this list helpful – and I will be very curious to see how the selections hold up after the actual abstracts/presentations are reviewed

Hope to see you all in San Francisco!”