February, 2025
February 2025
Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community
Dec 26, 2024, 15:12

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Christmas is a time to cherish connections, reflect on the year gone by, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

During the Christmas season, the medical community takes a moment to express gratitude and offer heartfelt congratulations to their colleagues, patients, and the families they care for.

It’s a time when healthcare professionals recognize the tireless efforts of their teams, acknowledging the collaborative spirit and dedication that ensures quality care throughout the year. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers exchange warm wishes, reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of the year gone by.

Patients, too, show their appreciation during this time, often sending heartfelt congratulations or thoughtful gifts to their doctors, nurses, and caregivers as a way of saying thank you for their compassion and commitment.

These gestures symbolize the deep bonds formed between patients and their healthcare providers, acknowledging the often difficult journeys taken together. It is a time when emotional connections strengthen, and the shared mission of healing and support is celebrated in a season of giving.

For both patients and medical professionals, the Christmas season becomes a reminder of the importance of empathy, kindness, and the human connection at the heart of healthcare.

It’s a moment to pause and appreciate the collective effort that goes into healing, comfort, and the well-being of others.

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Mark Lewis:

“My daughter came to visit my oncology clinic last week.

This is the Christmas list she made over the weekend.

Despite all that looks bleak, I have renewed hope in the future.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Maryam Lustberg:

“Happy holidays from Yale Breast!

To continued collaborations, new partnerships and progress.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Nirmala Bhoo Pathy:

“In our part of the world, Christmas trees are still closely associated with religion, as Christmas is primarily celebrated as a Christian holiday in Malaysia. However, this tradition has been branching out over the past decade, gaining popularity as a fun and meaningful family affair.

Our Christmas tree tradition took root in 2008, inspired by my children’s enthusiasm. At the time, I was studying in Utrecht, and our first set of ornaments came from there. Many of these ornaments remain on our tree to this day, proving they’ve stood the test of time, surviving all our children’s curious fingers.

Over time, the tree has become more than just a festive decoration for us. It’s a way to celebrate life’s milestones, with ornaments collected from places I’ve visited around the world, each piece carrying its own story.

For me, the Christmas tree is about family, togetherness, reflection, connection, and gratitude. It serves as a simple yet meaningful reminder of the joy and resilience that shape both my personal and professional journeys.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Aleix Prat:

“Christmas Celebration 2024: Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute of the Clinic Barcelona Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Yesterday we had the privilege of celebrating our Christmas party in such an emblematic place as the Drassanes Reials in Barcelona.

This historic setting was the perfect setting to recharge our batteries for 2025.

It has been a year full of challenges, learning and important progress.

I am sure that, as a team, we will continue working with the same dedication and effort to face the challenges of next year.

May this Christmas fill us with enthusiasm, hope and strength to continue our commitment to care, innovation, research and excellence.

Happy holidays to the entire team and to all the people who are part of this great project.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Olubukola Ayodele:

“I am serving as the on-call consultant this whole Christmas week from the 23rd to the 30th, which means I get to look after all the oncology patients during this period (inpatients and emergency phone line queries).

I finally opened some of the gifts I received from patients, colleagues, and friends last night, and some of the words in the cards made me quite emotional and reflective.

Every day, I meet people at one of the most vulnerable points in their lives. They come to me with fear, uncertainty and questions that often have no easy answers.

In the face of cancer’s challenges, I’ve learnt that HOPE is the most powerful currency I can offer.

HOPE isn’t about false promises or unrealistic expectations. It’s about walking beside my patients as we navigate the unknown. It’s about helping them see possibilities—whether it’s achieving remission, finding peace in the midst of treatment, or simply cherishing the beauty of today. I spend this currency carefully, knowing it must be authentic and valuable.

At Christmas, the power of HOPE feels even more profound.

It’s in the conversations where I reassure a patient facing daunting odds, in the careful planning of treatment journeys and in the shared moments of celebration for small victories. In this season of giving, HOPE is the gift we give and receive in equal measure. It’s invisible yet invaluable.

To my fellow health care providers: Thank you for the compassion and resilience you bring to this shared mission.

To my patients and their families: Thank you for teaching me what true strength and grace looks like.

May this holiday season remind us all that HOPE is never wasted and even in the hardest of times, it can light the way forward.

Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year to all!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Chiara Corti:

“Merry Christmas  to all. Health truly is our most precious gift – It’s not just a cliché. For some, this season means remembering a loved one, facing a tough diagnosis, starting a new treatment, or getting difficult scan results. My heart is with you.”

Pablo Lozano Lominchar:

“When the chief of Surgical Oncology fellows Maria Liu in MSKCC presents you a book for Christmas tree, this gesture assumes significant value! Thank you!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Shana Orczyk Sissel:

“Last year I wasn’t able to see my family for Christmas, I couldn’t walk, I was fresh off a breast cancer diagnosis, in fact I had my first PET Scan on December 23rd last year. For that reason this Christmas is so incredibly special. Merry Christmas everyone!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Khaled Ghanem:

“Christmas Tree preperation undergoing at our BASMA Pediatrics Oncology Unit.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Clive Peedell:

“Merry Xmas to one and all from the oncology ward at JCUH, Middlesbrough!
Great work from staff to get as many patients home as possible for Xmas, and their wonderful ongoing care for those who still remain on the ward. Great to see presents being opened by patients and relatives!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Frank Thuny:

“The Cardio-Oncology team of Hopital Nord Marseille wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Atul Bhalla:

“Adieu 2024. A heartfelt thanks & gratitude to my family, friends, colleagues and the entire oncology community for your unwavering support & commitment to positively impact people & make a difference in lives. Have a great holiday, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Welcome 2025.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Ionna Nixon:

“Christmas Day in oncology wards Small things matter at all times. Somewhat everything is magnified during this Holly time. Good and bad, and small things start matter the most. Many of us can count countless hours on duty in hospitals over this time.

Having this experience makes you realise how important is to create a homely, warm environment in our wards and clinics. Is not just nice to have, but necessary. Once again, this year, massive thanks to our creative staff in the Beatson for their amazing energy and inspiration making giving smiles to our patients, carers and all staff! THANK YOU!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Amy Yu:

“Holiday party at Stanford Radiation Oncology . We 3D printed the Christmas tree (dosime-tree). let’s see how many Easter eggs you can find.”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community

Andrea O.:

“What office tradition do you keep for Christmas?

Last year, in our PRG office, we started a new tradition: a Christmas Charity Event for the Children’s Oncology Department at Motol Hospital. This year, we organized the second one.

We collected donations and purchased various items for kids aged around 3 to 15, such as puzzles, LEGOs, power banks, headphones, Bluetooth speakers, and other items to help them take their minds off their treatment. Additionally, we bought educational materials, including books, puzzles, pexesos, and mind games, for the teachers who support oncology patients in staying on track with their education.

Along with my colleague Barbora Sokolova, we would like to sincerely thank all our amazing colleagues who contributed and everyone in the PRG office for their enthusiasm and support for this tradition.

Happy Holidays, everyone!”

Celebrating the Holiday Magic with Medical Community