Rasha Aboelhassan: How about raising our expectations for MDT?
Nov 17, 2024, 07:07

Rasha Aboelhassan: How about raising our expectations for MDT?

Rasha Aboelhassan, Senior Oncology Consultant at Nasser Institute Hospital, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“How about raising our expectations for MDT?

It should not be limited to developing a treatment plan for cancer patients, MDT can solve debates.

Highlighting the points of debates is the main goal of our MDT, while solving the debate is a great success.

These were the statements I made yesterday during the Onco Egypt conference.

Thanks to all speakers, chair persons of and the organizing, scientific committee.”

Rasha Aboelhassan: How about raising our expectations for MDT?

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Rasha Aboelhassan is a Senior Oncology Consultant at Nasser Institute Hospital. In addition to her clinical role, she volunteers as a reviewer for the World Journal of Surgical Oncology, contributing to advancements in the field and is in the Editorial Staff of Egyptian Journal of Human Genetics. Rasha has been accepted as a member of staging and Prognostic Factors Group of lung cancer SPFG.