15 Insights from EANO 2024 Meeting That You Should Not Miss
The 19th Meeting of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO 2024) was held in Glasgow, UK, from October 17 to 20, 2024.
The meeting began with an Educational Day on Thursday, October 17, followed by the main program starting on Friday, October 18. The congress aimed to foster collaboration across various disciplines, including Neuro-Oncology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Neuroradiology, Radiation Oncology, Nursing, and other Allied Health Professionals.
This multidisciplinary approach sought to bridge gaps in understanding and managing central nervous system tumors. EANO represented all medical and scientific disciplines involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of central nervous system tumors. This year’s congress featured speakers presenting the latest clinical trial outcomes and advancements in both basic and translational science.
“Interesting history of Glasgow at the Plenary 1 at EANO 2024 shared by Anthony Chalmers – President EANO Meeting.”
“The now landmark moment of EANO2024. The Unplugged Session with Susan Chang and Michael Weller on the history of glioma, pitfalls and opportunities… Very unique moment to welcome the next 30 years of EANO.”
“Proud to have chaired the ‘Radiotherapy and Patient Profiles’ session this morning with my esteemed colleague Aoife Williamson. Inspiring to hear the research happening in radiotherapy by AHP’s, myself included.”
“Congratulations to our EANO2024 award winners for Best Poster Presentation: Sophie Bockel (Clinical research), Alicia Buck (Basic research), Alessandro Sammarco (Translational research), Cressida Lorimer (Supportive care and quality of life research).”
“Elena Grabis presented on ElectroGenomics, a novel tool to study spatiotemporal integrated spatially resolved electrophysiology and transcriptomics.”
“Amazing Youngsters Pro/Con session at EANO2024! Thanks to all the great speakers entering the debate.”
“Susan Short with the opening and presidential address, followed by Manuel Valiente announcing the EANO awards!”
“Great time catching up with friends and colleagues at EANO. Looking forward to what we can accomplish together over the coming months… Assuming I can find a flight home.”
“Happy Birthday EANO from some inspirational AHPs who are proud to be involved in brain tumour research! We must continue striving for what we are all passionate about… making things better for the patients and caregivers!”
“Many thanks to EANO for the invitation to speak at the EANO2024 session around the management of incidental meningioma, glioma and VS. Consider early intervention for LGG. No improved clinical outcomes from upfront SRS for VS. Consider IMPACT Meningioma for meningioma.”
“Happy to meet in person at EANO2024 with joint forces of young neuro-oncologists from EANO and SNO.”
“Excited to be at EANO with my amazing colleagues from the neuroteam at Gustave Roussy!
Sophie Bockel and Cedric Yuste.
We are working on ambitious projects to improve brain tumor patient care by combining our clinical expertise with the support of artificial intelligence.
A significant step towards more personalized and innovative treatments!”
“EANO 2024: Great overview by Sahm Lab on the cIMPACT update on meningiomas!”
“Goodbye Glasgow and thank you EANO2024 – my first EANO meeting comfortably exceeded my already high expectations. I’m thrilled to have presented our work in this wonderful forum and it was really fun to see so many of you tweeps in person! Can’t wait to be back in Prague 2025!”
“Welcome and Goodbye: A huge thank you to our outgoing president, Susan Short, for her great dedication and leadership during her term over the past years! And a warm welcome to Michael Platten as the new president of EANO.”
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