One Year of the Lancet Commission report on Women, Power, and Cancer
Sep 28, 2024, 14:22

One Year of the Lancet Commission report on Women, Power, and Cancer

Ophira Ginsburg shared a post by GENDRO.ORG, on LinkedIn, adding:

“YES!! One year later:

Women, power, and cancer is a growing movement! People of all genders are taking action to advance gender equality and equity for all who are impacted by cancer: people with lived experience, advocates, caregivers, cancer care professionals, researchers, policymakers, in all sectors!

Read our report.
And stay tuned for our next major online event:

London Global Cancer Week!

Wednesday, September 13th
11:00-12:30PM  ET/4:00-5:30 GMT.”


Quoting GENDRO.ORG‘s post:

“A year ago today, GENDRO.ORG and partners hosted the launch of The Lancet Commission report on Women, Power, and Cancer at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Since then, its impact has been significant, shedding critical light on often overlooked areas of women’s cancers, their roles as patients, caregivers, researchers, and exposing the pervasive gender biases still present in cancer research.

The Lancet Commission and its partners have tirelessly continued their work – raising awareness, sharing recommendations, and pushing for sustainable change. Over the past year, the report has been launched across Africa, Asia, and North America, with its summary translated into eight languages. Commissioners have brought the discussion to numerous global fora where gender and women’s specific health needs were rarely a topic of sufficient attention.

 Lancet Commission

This is only the beginning of a long journey toward gender equity in cancer research, prevention, and care.

Each year, 1.5 million women’s lives could be saved through prevention, early detection, and diagnosis strategies.
Each year, 800,000 lives could be saved with access to optimal cancer care.

It’s time to integrate sex and gender dimensions into all cancer-related research, policies, and interventions. From government organizations and policy makers to researchers, practitioners, academia, private sector and civil society —everyone has a responsibility to address the gender biases and advance women’s health.

Watch the launch event.
Access the Report.
Summary in 8 language.”

Source: Ophira Ginsburg/LinkedIn and GENDRO.ORG/LinkedIn

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Ophira Ginsburg is a Canadian medical oncologist, humanitarian, and global cancer advocate. Currently, she is the Senior Scientific Officer and Senior Advisor for Clinical Research at the US NCI’s Center for Global Health. Formerly based at the University of Toronto, Canada, she was a Medical Officer at the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and has served as an ad hoc consultant to several UN agencies. She is the co-chair of The Lancet Commission on Women and Cancer.