I closed my ASCO23 with 65507+ steps- Abdelali (Ali) MAJDI
Jun 12, 2023, 04:02

I closed my ASCO23 with 65507+ steps- Abdelali (Ali) MAJDI

I closed my ASCO23 with 65507+ steps
Every step opened new opportunities to learn, connect, and actively contribute to our collective mission ´conquering cancer through research, education, and promotion of the highest quality, equitable patient care.’

Now heading back home deeply inspired by our fantastic community and proud of my Team Bayer as we engage with experts and patients to co-design the next wave of Precision Oncology ImmunoOncology and Patient Centered Care.

Thank you American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and see you #ASCO24

Source: Abdelali (Ali) Majid/Linkedin