Edgardo Santos: Welcome to the 21th Annual MCM – Tampa Edition
Aug 6, 2024, 16:19

Edgardo Santos: Welcome to the 21th Annual MCM – Tampa Edition

Edgardo Santos, Vice President of Florida Society of Clinical Oncology, shared a post on X:

“Welcome to the 21th Annual MCM-Tampa Edition which promises to be an outstanding CME/CE program in North Florida. The meeting will include the latest development in hematology and oncology from ASH 2024, SABCS 2024 and ESMO24.

Visit Miami Cancer Meeting’s website.”

Luis Raez, Co-Director of the Memorial Cancer Institute, shared the post by Edgardo Santos on X, adding:

“21 years of a successful meeting.”

Edgardo Santos: Welcome to the 21th Annual MCM - Tampa Edition

Source: Edgardo Santos/X and Luis Raez/X

The 21th Annual MCM-Tampa Edition is a 3-day conference designed for medical oncologists, hematologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, physician associates (PA), advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNP), oncology nurses, registered pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and radiation therapists. General practitioners (internal medicine and family medicine) will have the benefit of review standard of care and new developments in cancer management. Residents in training and fellows from these specialties are encouraged to attend.
The meeting will take place from January 10 to 12 at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street in Tampa, Florida.