Sharon Kapambwe: I takeaway only the positives from AORTIC 2023
Nov 10, 2023, 17:14

Sharon Kapambwe: I takeaway only the positives from AORTIC 2023

Sharon Kapambwe, Technical Officer of Cancer Control at the World Health Organization, posted on LinkedIn.

“I takeaway only the positives from AORTIC 2023. I took time to visit the posters and meet some of the people who had posters. Mami App in Nigeria, mapping of breast and cervical cancer resources in Ghana, nurses in Cameroon integrating breast cancer CBE in cervical cancer screening services, etc. Such amazing work going on in the Africa region. For myself at regional level the question is how do we build sustainable synergies among countries and partnerships? We should build on each other’s strengths. Your problem may already be a solution in another country but you need to know and be receptive to coordinating beyond your borders. Research remains a bedrock for evidence based context and resource appropriate interventions.
I am the optimistic realist as well.
Thank you AORTIC.”

Sharon Kapambwe: I takeaway only the positives from AORTIC 2023

Source: Sharon Kapambwe/LinkedIn