Flavia Jacobs: At ESMO23 we presented the results of our systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating PFS by central vs. local assessment in randomized clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer
Oct 24, 2023, 13:49

Flavia Jacobs: At ESMO23 we presented the results of our systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating PFS by central vs. local assessment in randomized clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer

Flavia Jacobs, Medical Research Fellow at Institute Jules Bordet, recently shared on LinkedIn:

“At ESMO23 we presented the results of our systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating PFS by central vs. local assessment in randomized clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer.

No difference was found between central vs. local PFS raising the provocative question if BICR is really needed.”

Flavia Jacobs: At ESMO23 we presented the results of our systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating PFS by central vs. local assessment in randomized clinical trials in metastatic breast cancer

Source: Flavia Jacobs/LinkedIn