Day 2 Highlights of SABCS24 by Erika Hamilton
The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2024 is taking place from December 10-13 in San Antonio, Texas.
The symposium will feature a comprehensive scientific program, including formal lectures by experts, selected slide and poster presentations, and case discussions focused on experimental biology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. With an emphasis on clinical, translational, and basic research, SABCS 2024 aims to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among academic and private physicians in oncology, as well as patient advocates and other healthcare professionals. The event will be conducted in English, with no simultaneous translation provided, and offers both in-person and virtual participation opportunities.
Erika Hamilton, Director of Breast Cancer Program at Sarah Cannon Research Institute, shared her highlights from the conference.
Magnitude of effect larger among premenopausal women.
“It’s a difficult topic to discuss- weight. Hugely personal, not easy to change, but important.
4% increase recurrence in patients with node + obese vs. lean.
2% increase recurrence in patient with N0 dz.
Magnitude of effect larger among premeno.
ER + AND ER negative.”
SUPREMO – study of post mastectomy XRT in intermediate risk
“Prof. Kunkler presents SUPREMO – study of post mastectomy XRT in intermediate risk.
With 10 yrs f/u, no difference in survival between XRT or not after mastectomy in those patients.
Was numerically more local recurrences without radiation (2%).”
“Great slide highlighting not only are TILs predictive of pCR…it also translates to being prognostic beyond pCR for good outcome and DFS.
Seems like we have a LOT of data on TILs now, why aren’t they standardly provided on path reports???”
Does remote symptom monitoring improve fatigue in MBC?
“Does remote symptom monitoring improve fatigue in MBC?
Maybe so. Likely prompts intervention and addressing symptoms sooner than waiting for next visits or having discussion skipped for other priorities in the exam room.”
CDK switch (and continued blockade) and novel next-gen endocrine agent
“Love Harold J. Burstein caveat to this slide…but does suggest that maybe the sweet spot is:
BOTH – CDK switch (and continued blockade) and novel next-gen endocrine agent.”
“Speaking of ways to make sure EVERYONE has access to learning at SABCS24, things I noticed:
- sign language interpreter.
- child care on site (I peeked in, they were multiple kids having fun).
- multiple mothers rooms for pumping.
- prayer rooms.”
Data at immune poster spotlight
“Fascinating data at immune poster spotlight.
1st poster- TILs associated with higher pCR
2nd poster- Black women have higher TILs…..but worse pCR! Wait…what?
Obviously more information is needed. Tumor micro environment? Mutational factors? Duffy null?”
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