Arndt Vogel: Impressive and comprehensive review on BRAF mutations
Feb 25, 2024, 15:01

Arndt Vogel: Impressive and comprehensive review on BRAF mutations

Arndt Vogel shared on X/Twitter:

“BRAF — a tumor-agnostic drug target with lineage-specific dependencies.

Impressive and comprehensive review on BRAF mutations:

  • RAF inhibitor paradox,
  • New combinations,
  • Overcoming resistance.”


Proceed to the article.
Source: Arndt Vogel/X

Arndt Vogel is a managing senior consultant and professor in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology at Hannover Medical School. He is the Head of the GI-Cancer Center and of the Center for Personalized Medicine at Medical School Hannover and chairs the Hepatobiliary Cancer Study Group of the AIO, a collaborative group in clinical oncology in Germany. His scientific focus is translational and clinical research in gastrointestinal cancer.