Highlights from TTLC2025
The IASLC 2025 Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer Meeting took place February 19-22, 2025 in Huntington Beach, California.
TTLC 2025 was an engaging meeting summarizing data on relevant targets for new therapies and sharing insights from preclinical and early clinical trials for each of the drugs directed against these targets.
Nathan A. Pennell, Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Research at Cleveland Clinic:
“Dr. Saltos shares good news about FDA granting priority review of zongertinib for HER2 mutant NSCLC at IASLC.”
Eric K. Singhi, Assistant Professor in the Department of General Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center:
“Osimertinib alone or combination therapy for 1L EGFR+ mNSCLC? Great debate at TTLC25 with Shirish Gadgeel and Dr. Helena Yu.
Shared decision-making is crucial
Both quality and quantity matter
25-40% of patients never reach 2L therapy
How to risk stratify?”
Sarah Waliany, Thoracic Oncology Fellow at Mass General Cancer Center:
“Phenomenal talk by Julia Rotow discussing the complicated landscape of therapies for EGFR-mutated NSCLC, reviewing factors to consider in weighing 1L intensive options (OS benefit, AEs, time toxicity), and need for biomarkers to sequence 2L+ options.”
Estela Rodriguez, Associate Director of Community Outreach and Co-Lead of the Thoracic Site Disease Group of the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center:
“Reaching consensus about best 2nd line option post osimertinib resistance still complicated: adding chemo +osi vs ami+chemo (Mariposa2)
Important to offer repeat NGS to understand pattern of resistance.
Involve patients in shared-decision making.”
Sarah Waliany, Thoracic Oncology Fellow at Mass General Cancer Center:
“Great overview by Joshua Sabari of the combination strategies with KRAS G12C inhibitors for NSCLC, current barriers with those regimens (e.g. hepatic toxicity), and clinical trials aiming to bring G12C inhibitors into the front-line setting.”
Yvonne Diaz, EY Global Media Relations and Social Media Director:
“Fantastic reminders from fellow ALK Positive Board Member Summer Farmen on why we patient advocates are here at conferences like IASLC TTLC25. We are your reminders of why quality of life matters and not to be complacent even in the face of great clinical trial data. ”
“Proud of my friend and fellow patient advocate Summer Farmen ALK Positive so eloquently stating at IASLC TTLC25 why we need smarter and faster collaboration in research. We are all depending on you.”
Nagla Abdel Karim, Associate Professor of Medicine-Division of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Cincinnati:
“Thank you IASLC TTLC25 for including me as a panelist in the session of rare thoracic tumors. We discussed few topics regarding the updates in management of thoracic NET, Mesothelioma, Thymic carcinoma and others! Looking forward to more data.”
Xiuning Le, Associate Professor of Thoracic Head and Neck Medical Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center:
“I am incredibly honored to serve as a co-chair for IASLC TTLC25 2026 and 2027, together with Dr. Paul Bunn, Karen Reckamp, Shirish Gadgeel. Tremendous appreciation to our thoracic oncology community and past chairs Charu Aggarwal, Dr. Joe Neal. ”
Sarah Waliany, Thoracic Oncology Fellow at Mass General Cancer Center:
“Congrats to Kelsey Pan for her fantastic oral abstract talk TTLC25 on outcomes in patients with LMD from NSCLC. Key finding was improvement in OS with CNS-penetrant TKIs in patients with NSCLC with oncogenic drivers. Incredibly important multi-institutional study addressing a huge unmet need.”
Ivy Riano, Thoracic Oncologist Dartmouth Cancer Center:
“Reached my first 6 months as an attending and had the chance to attend the fantastic, comprehensive TTLC25 IASLC conference! Great discussions all around, and nice to had met my friends. See you next year!”
Melina Marmarelis, Thoracic Medical Oncologist, University of Pennsylvania:
“Do you treat all patients with atypical EGFR mutations with the same TKI?Adam Barsouk presents our retrospective ATOMIC study at TTLC IASLC suggesting that the type of atypical mutation should drive our TKI choice.”
Chul Kim, Thoracic Medical Oncologist at Georgetown University:
“Targets being explored for pulmonary NET include SSTR2 (Alliance trial comparing Lutathera vs. everolimus), DLL3 (opportunity for T-cell engagers), VEGF (recent CABINET trial), and more. Great talk by Dr. Nathaniel Myall.”
Bingnan Zhang, Thoracic medical oncologist MD Anderson Cancer Center:
“One of my favorite moments at TTLC: our amazing fellow Dr. Mitch Parma presenting RWE of tarlatamab efficacy (including over 80% initial intracranial control of untreated brain metastases- durability remains to be seen), and Dr. John Minna stopping by to give great advice!”
Balazs Halmos, Associate Director for Clinical Science at Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center:
“Dr Xiuning Le provides a great discussion as to the classification/optimal treatment of EGFR PACC mutations While we can argue as to what is best choice for a pt w EGFR PACC mutation+ NSCLC – there is NO argument that the IASLC TTLC faculty/staff is the best wolf pack to be part of to advance lung cancer therapy!”
Narjust Florez, Associate Director of the Cancer Care Equity Program and Thoracic Medical Oncologist at the Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center:
“Amplifying the message of lung cancer in women at TTLC25 with our GLOBAL Hear Her
Because Lung Cancer is a Disease of Women.”
Urs Weber, Hematology/Oncology Fellow at the University of Colorado:
“Erin Schenk of CU Cancer Center with a tour de force covering the evolving landscape of ADCs targeting extracellular tyrosine kinases in NSCLC.”
Sarah Waliany, Thoracic Oncology Fellow at Mass General Cancer Center:
“Provocative discussion by panel, Helena Yu and Shirish Gadgeel on treatment landscape in EGFR-mutant NSCLC TTLC25 Risk stratification for 1L escalation eg. L858R, ctDNA, CNS mets Using post-progression bx to guide 2L tx, with need for NGS, histologic analysis and spatial transcriptomics.”
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