February, 2025
February 2025
Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman: Momentous launch of Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre
Jan 26, 2025, 04:40

Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman: Momentous launch of Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre

On 18 January 2025, Cancer CRI Services clinic and Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu inaugurated its new Cancer Centers.

This facility offers an integrated, multi-disciplinary service focused on providing comprehensive cancer care and wellbeing support. The opening event was attended by over 100 guests, including national and local cancer NGO leaders, healthcare professionals, advocacy groups, patients, and community members, who came together to celebrate this significant milestone in cancer treatment and support.

Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman: Momentous launch of Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre

Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman,

“We had a momentous launch of both Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre on January 18, 2025.

The preliminary works covering various angles came to fruition, marking the initiation of private cancer services in Sabah with the aspiration of establishing a top-quality, outcome-driven cancer centre.

Our focus is on combining evidence-based, up-to-date cancer treatments with a patient-centered approach, exceptional quality of service and care. Our cancer care model spans from prevention and early detection to post-hospital community care, accessibility, future research and cancer trials, and a holistic approach that caters to both the treatment of cancer and the well-being of every person treated in our centre.

We are deeply grateful to have cancer stakeholders from both local and national levels joining us: Dr. Nur Hasanah binti Sanudin, Deputy Director, representing YBrs, Dr. Maria Suleiman, Director of Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah, Professor Sok Ching Cheong, Chief Scientific Officer of Cancer Research Malaysia, Mr. Mohd Fadzrel Abu Bakar, Adult Program Manager of the National Cancer Society Malaysia, Mr. Alvin Bundoi, Associate Regional Manager, representing Dr Akhmal Yusof, CEO of Clinical Research Malaysia, representatives from LPPKN Sabah, Mr. Kok Sin and Ms. Cassandra Teo, representing Professor Chee-Onn Leong of AGTC Genomics, Dr. Kelvin Ch’ng, CEO of Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu, Ms. Jacqueline Chin, Chief Operating Officer of Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu, our valued consultants from Gleneagles and across Sabah; dedicated cancer advocacy groups; our beloved patients, caregivers, and other cancer stakeholders.

On a personal note, this achievement would not have been possible without the prayers and support of people close to myself—my mother, family, friends, and, importantly, our patients. I am forever indebted to them. This initiative is truly about bringing forth our aspiration for excellence, compassion, and the centrality of humanity in easing the suffering and challenges faced by our fellow human beings.

Looking ahead, we hope that the cancer centre will serve as the foundation for integrated cancer services and collaboration with various cancer stakeholders to mitigate and resolve the barriers and challenges faced by the people of Sabah. At the same time, the level of care and value we provide will aim to extend our cancer care to international regional markets.

Let us continue to create wonderful stories of success and compassion, shaping our community, and the world into a beautiful and prosperous place. The launching was the moment for all. Together, we will succeed.

-Your Cancer Centre-

Because We Care.”

Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman: Momentous launch of Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre Ahmad Sufian Ab Rahman: Momentous launch of Cancer CRI Services clinic and the Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu Cancer Centre