February, 2025
February 2025
Mary Nyangasi-Onyango: Privileged to moderate a WHO session at the LGCW
Nov 16, 2024, 10:16

Mary Nyangasi-Onyango: Privileged to moderate a WHO session at the LGCW

Mary Nyangasi-Onyango, Technical Lead, WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Early this week, on Monday, I was privileged to moderate a WHO session at the London Global Cancer Week on a topic that is very close to my own experience..the critical shortage of the oncology workforce.

Reflecting on the thoughts and insights shared by the esteemed panelists, I can only summarize that a lot more needs to be done to attract and retain Human Resources so as to reduce the burden of cancer and improve the quality of life for patients.

Fact: The shortage of Human Resources in oncology is a rate limiting step to the expansion of cancer care.

From building faculty, expansion of local training programs, to providing incentives and addressing mental health for retention.

Focusing on Mauro Carrara’ s presentation I wish to highlight the role of the medical physicist being the nerve center of the cancer center.

It is indeed ironical that in many places there is no recognition of this key cadre, no scheme of practice in existence in some cases hence no career pathway to retain or attract training… the few who chose this path working in difficult conditions out of sheer dedication and a determination to make a difference.

On world radiotherapy day, I celebrate the medical physicists as a cadre worthy of recognition in the multidisciplinary team!”