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Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi
Oct 30, 2024, 02:26

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

The 44th Annual Congress of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine took place in New Delhi, India, from October 23 to 26, 2024.


The event brought together urologists, healthcare professionals, and industry partners from around the world, both in person and virtually.

Under the leadership of Drs. Rajeev T P and Seth Lerner, the scientific program featured a variety of educational sessions, including a live surgery course, workshops, symposia, and master classes, all focusing on key issues in urology.

Additionally, the congress hosted the 6th Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting, where experts shared the latest advances in managing bladder, kidney, and prostate cancers through presentations, debates, and case discussions. The event was a significant platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing in the field of urology.

Healthcare professionals shared their insights on social media:

Shilpa Gupta:

“Thanks Seth Lerner such an outstanding SIU2024 New Delhi the breadth and diversity of the topics and controversies led by global faculty was simply amazing!

Kudos Team India, Rajeev Kumar for your world class hospitality and making the meeting so memorable!”


Karima Oualla:

“Pleased to chair the session on the paradigm shift in the management of MIBC with Ashok Kumar Vaid.”


Francesca Monn:

“So proud of Tiffany Damm presenting our rare case of clear cell penile sarcoma at SIU2024 New Delhi. Rare disease with few cases in the literature, but surgical therapy plus targeted therapy can provide disease stability.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Karima Oualla:

“Excellent discussion at the back to back GU cancers Triad at SIU2024 New Delhi in bladder cancer and all the other sessions on prostate and kidney cancers.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Rowland Rees:

“Heading home now as the sun sets on a great SIU urology congress in New Delhi. A truly global gathering, with plenty of recon sessions.

Thanks GURS for the invite and see you next year in Edinburgh.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Shilpa Gupta:

“Hot Topic on integrative multi-D approaches to bladder preservation chaired by Adam Feldman. The one and only Andrea Necchi gave an amazing talk on precision oncology approaches with VI-RADS MRI, ctDNA, need to define cCR for pts to allow successful bladder preservation.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Adam Feldman:

“Very proud of our SUO fellow José Ignacio Nolazco, in a leadership role at SIU in Delhi running the resident mentoring session. Discussed the impact of a dedicated mentor with Steve Chang as a perfect example. Was an outstanding session to guide young urologists.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Akshay Deshpade:

“Being mentored by greats in urology.”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

José Ignacio Nolazco:

“Thank you, Dr. Elterman, for the invitation!

It was a fantastic session indeed, with high engagement and dynamic discussions, sparking insightful exchanges between mentors and residents.

What an enriching experience!”

Highlights from SIU2024 New Delhi

Mario I Fernandez:

“Proud to represent Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU) at SIU2024 making awareness of rising of bladder cancer incidence in underdeveloped regions.”

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