Teresa Harris Graham: A recent Economist report commissioned by the APAC Women’s Cancer Coalition shows the burden of breast and cervical cancer is on the rise in the Asia Pacific.
Sep 23, 2023, 19:08

Teresa Harris Graham: A recent Economist report commissioned by the APAC Women’s Cancer Coalition shows the burden of breast and cervical cancer is on the rise in the Asia Pacific.

Teresa Harris Graham, CEO of Roche Pharmaceuticals, recently shared on LinkedIn:

”These are some serious statistics! A recent Economist report commissioned by the APAC Women’s Cancer Coalition shows the burden of breast and cervical cancer is on the rise in the Asia Pacific. And this will worsen without concerted action.

We all know that care is delivered locally in communities – by and to people – so I extend my heartfelt thanks to the coalition and all our Roche APAC colleagues committed to making a difference in this space.”

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Source: Teresa Harris Graham/LinkedIn