February, 2025
February 2025
Catharina Boehme: This week WHO and The World Bank launched the global monitoring report on Universal Health Coverage.
Sep 23, 2023, 18:15

Catharina Boehme: This week WHO and The World Bank launched the global monitoring report on Universal Health Coverage.

Catharina Boehme, Assistant Director of General External Relations at the World Health Organization, shared on LinkedIn:

”Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. These diseases combined cause 3 out of every 4 deaths.
In global health, we call them noncommunicable diseases, or NCDs. How can we find the resources to address them?

In a conversation today in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, colleagues shared their views, and evidence based approaches. We know what works. A clear example is higher taxes on tobacco products and sugary drinks. That can help finance some of the costs in health. Caring for people suffering from NCDs is not cheap.

We at the World Health Organization —and increasingly colleagues from multilateral financial institutions— look at this very topic from an integrated approach. The response to noncommunicable diseases, including mental health, needs to be part of a wider scope.
They require require integrated health service delivery. That means focusing on health systems, so hospitals, clinics, and health workers can do their work and provide the services people need. And we can get closer to Universal Health Coverage.

This week WHO and The World Bank launched the global monitoring report on Universal Health Coverage. It shows where we are, and the journey ahead.”

See “Tracking Universal Health Coverage: 2023 Global Monitoring Report” attached to the post here.
Source: Catharina Boehme/LinkedIn