Lucjan Wyrwicz: Proud to be the senior author of this important study…
Sep 19, 2023, 18:34

Lucjan Wyrwicz: Proud to be the senior author of this important study…

Lucjan Wyrwicz, medical oncologist from Maria Curie National Cancer Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland, recently shared on LinkedIn:

“Immunotherapy is an important innovation in treatment of advanced/metastatic gastric cancer (as well as esophageal adenocarcinoma and gastro-esophageal junction cancer). These malignancies combined are top-5 cancers worldwide. Recently we have shown that combination of immunotherapy and modern chemotherapy can prolong lifes of our patients (Checkmate-649 study). Today we report that such treatment will not negatively impact quality of life of these patients. Proud to be the senior author of this important study. Congratulations Markus Moehler and our co-authors!”

For the article click here.
Source: Lucjan Wyrwicz/Linkedin