Erika Hamilton: Risk reducing surgery in young BRCA carriers with a prior Breast Cancer, by Matteo Lambertini
Dec 13, 2024, 05:58

Erika Hamilton: Risk reducing surgery in young BRCA carriers with a prior Breast Cancer, by Matteo Lambertini

Erika Hamilton, Medical Oncologist and the Director of Breast Cancer Program at Sarah Cannon Research Institute, shared a post on X:

Matteo Lambertini presents data around risk reducing surgery in young BRCA carriers with a PRIOR breast cancer.

Both mastectomies and oophorectomy were associated with

  • OS
  • DFS
  • BCFI

RRM irrespective of which BRCA gene alteration, RRSO benefit higher among BRCA1.”

Erika Hamilton: Risk reducing surgery in young BRCA carriers with a prior Breast Cancer, by Matteo Lambertini

Erika Hamilton is a medical oncologist and the Director of Breast Cancer Program at Sarah Cannon Research Institute (USA). Dr. Hamilton is a past chair of ASCO’s Scientific Breast Committee ’21-’22, participant of the ASCO Leadership Development Program, Associate Editor for Clinical Breast Cancer, co-chair for Great Debates and Updates in Women’s Oncology Conference and a board member of the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Central Tennessee. She is active in the community, volunteering with Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee, the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, Ovarcome ovarian cancer support organization, Brentwood Baptist Church and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.