October, 2024
October 2024
David Callaway: The Cancer MoonShot top 5 priorities
Oct 27, 2024, 19:24

David Callaway: The Cancer MoonShot top 5 priorities

David Callaway, Global Health Security and Sustainability Officer at Advocate Health, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“The Cancer MoonShot top 5 priorities:

  1. Close the screening gap.
  2. Understand and address environmental exposure.
  3. Decrease the impact of preventable cancers.
  4. Bring cutting-edge research through the pipeline to patients and communities.
  5. Support patients and caregivers.

Success requires an EarthShot that integrates Planetary Health principles. These are directly critical to 2, 3 and 5. I’d argue that reduced utilization of chemicals of concern, sustainable research practices, exploration of nature-based therapeutics, and implementation of design principles that acknowledge resource limitations is also vital to No 4 ‘bringing cutting edge research through the pipeline to patients and communities.’ ”

“Absolutely agree with my friend David Callaway that a cancer moonshot requires environmental efforts as well.

This week alone our team found several advanced lung cancers in non-smoking patients 40 and under. Time to get serious about climate change in our cancer-related efforts.”

More posts about Cancer Moonshot.

David Callaway is a board-certified physician specializing in Emergency Medicine and EMS. He currently holds the position of Chief of Crisis Operations and Sustainability at Atrium Health, advising for complex operations focused on crisis innovation, resilience, and meta-leadership development and sustainability in healthcare.

Additionally, he serves as the Chief Medical Officer at Team Rubicon. Recently, Dr. Callaway was appointed Senior Associate Dean of Planetary Health at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, where he is actively engaged in tackling climate change and health equity challenges.