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Chidiebere Ibe: Detecting pallor early can help identify and address underlying health concerns
Dec 22, 2024, 13:52

Chidiebere Ibe: Detecting pallor early can help identify and address underlying health concerns

Chidiebere Ibe, Chief Medical Illustrator at Journal of Global Neurosurgery and Junior Committee Member at World Federation of Neurosurgeons (WFNS) -Global Neurosurgery, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“As healthcare professionals, we’re trained to recognize the subtle signs of underlying medical conditions. One often-overlooked symptom is pallor – a pale skin and mucus membrane appearance.

Diagnosing pallor can be particularly challenging in individuals with darker skin tones. Pallor is often noticeable on the face, palms, fingernails, or the inside of the lower eyelid.

However, it can be harder to detect pallor on darker skin tones.

In such cases, healthcare providers often check less pigmented areas such as the gums, mouth, or conjunctiva (inside the lower eyelid).

Detecting pallor early can help identify and address underlying health concerns.”

Chidiebere Ibe

Maurice Johnson, Chief Operation Officer, TechMed Institute (PIT AFRICA), also shared a post on LinkedIn adding:

“It’s amazing how your work captures the diversity in humans; race, ethnicity and age etc reducing biases in diagnoses and improving diversity in health data and healthcare while eradicating health data poverty, a thing becoming a threat to global health.

This will improve the knowledge of the clinicians, outcome of clinical examinations and promote adequate and prompt diagnoses as well as effective treatment.

Thank you, Medic Chidiebere Ibe, CMI.”

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