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October 2024
Alessandra Curioni Fontecedro: Gaëlle Rhyner is a fantastic colleague fully dedicated to patients and head of Lymphoma group
May 20, 2024, 15:34

Alessandra Curioni Fontecedro: Gaëlle Rhyner is a fantastic colleague fully dedicated to patients and head of Lymphoma group

Alessandra Curioni Fontecedro, Head of Medical Oncology at the HFR Fribourg – Cantonal Hospital, shared a post by European School of Oncology on LinkedIn, adding:

”Congratulation to ‘our’ Gaëlle Rhyner! She is a fantastic colleague fully dedicated to patients and head of Lymphoma group.

Despite being already a pillar of our Oncology team, she told me once ‘I would really like to know more for the patients I treat everyday’ … so we discussed the possibility to participate to the CAS on lymphoma from European School of Oncology.

She was studying hard and is now so glad about what she has learned and achieved. Her broadened education will certainly give an added value to patients care.

We are all greatful to have her in our team HFR Fribourg – Cantonal Hospital and ready to celebrate her tomorrow when back from Ulm!!!”

Quoting European School of Oncology’s post:

”Congratulations to the students of the sixth cohort of the Certificate of Competence in Lymphoma (CCL6) on successfully completing the programme!

It’s truly a remarkable achievement after 15 months of dedication and hard work.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the chairs and all collaborators for their invaluable guidance and expertise, which paved the way for this incredible accomplishment.

To our amazing students: your passion and commitment have been truly inspiring. It’s been a privilege to witness your growth and dedication. Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone!”

Source: Alessandra Curioni Fontecedro/LinkedIn and European School of Oncology/LinkedIn