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October 2024
From ECO’s President: ‘Taking Stock’
Jul 1, 2024, 15:55

From ECO’s President: ‘Taking Stock’

Dégi László Csaba shared on LinkedIn:

“From ECO’s President: ‘Taking Stock’

In any meaningful pursuit, it’s wise to occasionally pause and take stock. And so it is, as I complete my first six months as President of the European Cancer Organisation that I too would like a moment to reflect.

As a point of reference, I actually dug up my application to the ECO board from two years ago and my vision for the organisation. At the top of my list? Promoting ‘inclusive cancer care’ and expanding ECO’s ‘international mission’. Those were two of the driving forces for me. And they remain so today.

I am immensely proud that together we’re making great strides on both fronts. We’ve made quality inclusive cancer care a notable priority, especially for the long ignored LGBTQI+ community, which faces many more hurdles in the cancer care continuum than other groups.

On the international front, where to begin?

In just the last six months ahead of the European Parliament elections, we have held Time To Accelerate events in nine countries, in all parts of Europe, to showcase our European Cancer Manifesto and to share new insights and best practices.

Working with national governments and their policy teams, together with our national partners, was a ‘first’ for us. It opened our eyes to how many more opportunities we have to enhance cancer care.

We held the first Joint Euro-American Forum on Cancer and played an active role at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago. (Our relationship with ASCO is blossoming rapidly and it’s a joy to behold.

We’re already preparing a special educational session for next year’s ASCO conference.)

We’re also blazing new trails with industry.

If we want to tackle a global issue like cancer, we need experienced industry partners who work across borders of all shapes and sizes.

We’ve already been working with them on the cancer workforce crisis, and at the recent ASCO meeting, we held a joint session on Common Sense Oncology and a more prudent, patient-focused approach to oncology.

By this stage, you might be saying that nothing should surprise me as ECO president. After all, I’ve been involved with this organisation for the last eight years, and I joined the ECO board five years ago. I have personal relationships with all these people. But there have indeed been surprises – big surprises.

Coming from the psychosocial world, we always believe that anything is possible. And thanks to each of you – it really is.

With profound gratitude and best wishes, Csaba.”

Additional information.
Source: Dégi László Csaba/LinkedIn

Dégi László Csaba is a Full Professor with habilitation and a researcher at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work in Cluj Napoca, Romania. He is a licensed principal social worker with a private practice. He is the Executive Secretary of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) and a past member of the Board of Directors. He is also the President of the European Cancer Organization (ECO) in Brussels, advocating for psychosocial oncology care across Europe and beyond..