Thor Halfdanarson: Trial Alert! ACTION-1 is now open at all three Mayo Clinic sites.
Sep 3, 2023, 20:57

Thor Halfdanarson: Trial Alert! ACTION-1 is now open at all three Mayo Clinic sites.

Thor Halfdanarson, GI oncologist with a focus on neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and Vice President for the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society, made the following post on Twitter:

“Trial Alert! ACTION-1 is now open at all three Mayo Clinic sites. Phase III trial of alpha particle PRRT w/ Ac-225 DOTATATE vs. provider’s choice of SOC therapy for pts w/ progressive G1/G2 GEPNETs and prior Lu-177 PRRT. Very simplified schema below.”

For details click here
Source: Thor Halfdanarson / Twitter