October, 2024
October 2024
Effective Fundraising and Performance Improvement by Darrow Zeidenstein
May 1, 2024, 08:58

Effective Fundraising and Performance Improvement by Darrow Zeidenstein

Darrow Zeidenstein, Senior Vice President and Chief Philanthropy Officer at MD Anderson Cancer Center, shared on LinkedIn:

“Colleagues, the world of advancement is brimming with resources. Yet, amidst this wealth of information, there’s often a disconnect – a gap between theory and practice, data and decision-making.

That’s where this occasional series, ‘Gifts of Change, Musings on Effective Fundraising and Performance Improvement,’ comes in.

For twenty-five years, I’ve worn many hats in the fundraising arena as consultant, analyst, leader, fundraiser and, more recently, leadership coach. This unique intersection of backgrounds has sparked my desire to explore how these domains can interweave to empower advancement leaders globally.

In short, this blog series aims to be a bridge between the analytical and the human aspects of fundraising. Here, we’ll delve into the strategies, challenges, and opportunities you encounter daily, all through the lens of coaching. My hope is to provide insights that are not only interesting but also actionable, helping you navigate the evolving and challenging fundraising landscape with greater confidence and effectiveness.

Over time, I hope to explore how coaching principles can unlock hidden potential in your team, navigate complex data analysis with ease, and approach leadership challenges with a fresh perspective.

Look forward to your comments and input!”

Darrow Zeidenstein

Additional information
Source: Darrow Zeidenstein/LinkedIn