Erika Hamilton: An update in high risk HR+ bcsm
Jan 29, 2024, 14:31

Erika Hamilton: An update in high risk HR+ bcsm

Erika Hamilton shared a post on LinkedIn:

“Need a little bit of CME or want an update in high risk HR+ bcsm? In this multi-disciplinary panel we talk about options, side effects, adherence and how we use the WHOLE clinic team to help our patients receive adjuvant therapies.”

Additional information.

Source: Erika Hamilton/LinkedIn

Erika Hamilton is a medical oncologist and the Director of Breast Cancer and Gynecologic Cancer Research at Sarah Cannon Research Institute (USA). In her role, Dr. Hamilton oversees the research program and clinical trial menu for gynecologic and breast cancer from a medical oncology perspective. Dr. Hamilton is a past chair of ASCO’s Scientific Breast Committee a ’21-’22, participant of the ASCO Leadership Development Program, Associate Editor for Clinical Breast Cancer, co-chair for Great Debates and Updates in Women’s Oncology Conference and a board member of the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Central Tennessee. She is active in the community, volunteering with Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee, the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, Ovarcome ovarian cancer support organization, Brentwood Baptist Church and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.