David Kavanagh: Largely on the basis of these results and related IARC research, World Health Organization recently recommended supporting a single-dose schedule for HPV vaccination
Jan 9, 2024, 11:07

David Kavanagh: Largely on the basis of these results and related IARC research, World Health Organization recently recommended supporting a single-dose schedule for HPV vaccination

David Kavanagh, Head of Human Resources Office International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization, shared on LinkedIn:

IARC – International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization scientists are conducting research that is advancing these three areas, such as studying the immune response to different numbers of doses of HPV vaccine.

Thanks to these evaluations, it is now known that a single dose of vaccine offers adequate protection to neutralize the virus and that immunogenicity of a single dose remains high even 10 years after vaccination.

Largely on the basis of these results and related IARC research, World Health Organization recently recommended supporting a single-dose schedule for HPV vaccination.”

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Source: David Kavanagh/LinkedIn