Vinay Prasad: This is a great metaphor for the role of professional societies in driving progress
Dec 11, 2023, 18:18

Vinay Prasad: This is a great metaphor for the role of professional societies in driving progress

Vinay Prasad, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco, shared a post by David Steensma, Chief Medical Officer at Ajax Therapeutics, on X/Twitter:

“This is a great metaphor for the role of professional societies in driving progress.”

Quoting David Steensma’s post:

I haven’t seen any ASH 23 posters with holiday lights yet. About 10 years ago someone lined their poster with Christmas tree lights to try to lure in visitors, but the cord running from the nearest power outlet was determined a tripping hazard so they came down quickly.”

Source: Vinay Prasad/X  and David Steensma/X