Giuseppe Curigliano: Maurizio Scaltriti – one of the most transformative oncologists of the last 30 years
Giuseppe Curigliano, ESMO President-Elect and Open Editor in Chief, shared a post on LinkedIn by Maurizio Scaltriti, Vice President of Translational Medicine, Oncology R&D at AstraZeneca, adding:
“Maurizio Scaltriti was a student of Jose Baselga, one of the most transformative oncologists of the last 30 years. He has always done research to answer clinical questions that would help us take care of our patients. His discoveries and experimental models have generated hypotheses that have then been translated into clinical practice.
The passion for what he does is evident in every word, in every gesture, and in every goal he sets himself in his fight against cancer. It is not just a question of profession, but of vocation: a call that resonates in his days, leading him to pursue ever deeper answers and ever more effective solutions.
This book, Non If but When, is the reflection of that passion that drives it. The title, so direct and without hesitation, encapsulates all the strength and determination of Maurizio in believing that winning this battle is possible, that it is only a matter of time and dedication.”
Quoting Maurizio Scaltriti’s post:
“I wrote a book. It will be released on February 4th, which is also World Cancer Day.
Not if, but when. I firmly believe that curing many (if not all) cancers is ‘only’ a matter of time. But what is cancer, why do you get sick, what happens after a diagnosis. How we study and treat it. And how we will treat it.
In this book I have tried to tell in simple words how tumors are analyzed, what drugs are available and how they work. But also how new therapies are developed and how experimental clinical trials are designed. I also try to debunk some urban legends and the spread of very dangerous misinformation.
In a week I will be in Italy for some initiatives related to the launch of the book. On Tuesday 4 February at 21:00 I will present it in my Correggio.
I want to thank Edizioni Piemme for giving me carte blanche and Giuseppe Curigliano for the wonderful preface and his beautiful (and probably undeserved) words.
I dedicate this book to patients and those who accompany them on their journey. To those who share their fears and joys, and above all help them rebuild their future.”
More posts featuring Giuseppe Curigliano and Maurizio Scaltriti.
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