Elisabetta Bonzano: The identification and validation of patient-specific vulnerabilities
Elisabetta Bonzano, Radiation Oncologist at IRCCS San Matteo Polyclinic Foundation, shared a post on X:
“Circulating tumor cell plasticity determines breast cancer therapy resistance via neuregulin 1–HER3 signaling
Established a method for long-term expansion of MBCP-derived CTCs from multiple liquid biopsy sources.
Identified NRG1 as a key factor promoting HER3+ CTC survival and metastatic growth.
Uncovered FGFR1 signaling as a compensatory mechanism sustaining CTC survival in the absence of NRG1.
Provided functional data showing that combinatorial blockade of NRG1 and FGFR1 signaling could efficiently target CTCs in MBCPs.
The dynamic interplay between NRG1–HER3 and FGFR1 signaling reveals the molecular basis of cancer cell plasticity and clinically relevant strategies to target it. This CTC organoid platform enables the identification and validation of patient-specific vulnerabilities and represents an innovative tool for precision medicine.”
Authors: Roberto Würth, Elisa Donato, Laura L. Michel, Massimo Saini, Lisa Becker, Tasneem Cheytan, Daria Doncevic, Tobias Messmer, Ewgenija Gutjahr, Rebecca Weber, Corinna Klein, Hamed Alborzinia, Umut Yildiz, Vanessa Vogel, Mario Hlevnjak, Polina Kozyulina, Sarah-Jane Neuberth, Paul Schwerd-Kleine, Sevinç Jakab, Nicole Pfarr, Arlou Kristina Angeles, Astrid K. Laut, Darja Karpova, Mattia Falcone, Olaf Hardt, Benjamin Theek, Celina V. Wagner, Mirjam Becker, Sabine Wagner, Martina Haselmayr, Anita Schmitt, Carsten Müller-Tidow, Sabine Riethdorf, Klaus Pantel, Marc Zapatka, Holger Sültmann, Carl Herrmann, Verena Thewes, Peter Lichter, Andreas Schneeweiss, Martin R. Sprick and Andreas Trumpp
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