David Shulkin: Matthew Perry’s death is tragic
Nov 4, 2023, 01:18

David Shulkin: Matthew Perry’s death is tragic

David Shulkin, Ninth Secretary US Department of Veterans Affairs, shared on LinkedIn:

Matthew Perry‘s death is tragic. When filming the movie “Fools Rush In”, Perry suffered an injury and was given a pain pill. Later in his book, he said, “I swear to God I think if I’d never taken it, none of the next three decades would have gone the way they did”. As his pain worsened so did his addiction, and eventually, he was taking 55 Vicodin pain pills a day. Unfortunately, he is not alone. Almost 100,000 Americans die from opioid overdose each year. Seventy-five percent of people dealing with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) started with a prescription pain drug. Even when patients with OUD are receiving treatment, 65% of people continue to suffer from chronic pain. It is important to address OUD and chronic pain with an integrated treatment approach. That’s what is happening with Bicycle Health and Override Health. ”

Source: David Shulkin/LinkedIn