October, 2024
October 2024
Murali Janakiram: Common questions about Bispecifics and CART in Multiple Myeloma
Oct 22, 2024, 23:30

Murali Janakiram: Common questions about Bispecifics and CART in Multiple Myeloma

Murali Janakiram, Associate Professor in the Department of Hematology and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation at City of Hope, shared a post on X:

“Recently have been doing educational sessions in Bispecifics and CART in Multiple Myeloma for community oncologists. Some common questions which come up from busy practitioners are-

  • 1st relapse- Ciltacel and OS advantage
  • 2nd LOT- Idecel- PFS advantage
  • Who to offer CART vs a second line anti CD38 based regimen
  • Eligibility for CART- age, frailty and renal dysfunc
  • How to take care of post CART patients when they return
  • Most physicians don’t have an issue with referral it is counseling patients about ‘what it involves to get CART’ that first counseling
  • When should we use BisAb
  • Reimbursment and how to work with hospitals
  • Managing CRS, ICANS
  • Infection prophylaxis and management
  • Choosing b/w CART vs BisAb who and when
  • Can I use one after the another and if so how – sequencing

In the coming weeks will post a few slides of mine answering these questions. Thanks to Curio Science, Aptitude Health, ACCC, DAVA Oncology who are doing some wonderful work in this space. Along with knowledgeable panelists Rafael Fonseca, Surbhi Sidana, Doug Sborov.