Vicky Tsami: All 31 of them are bold and wonderful!
Oct 8, 2023, 18:05

Vicky Tsami: All 31 of them are bold and wonderful!

Quoting Vicky Tsami, Director of Public Affairs at Gilead Sciences, on LinkedIn:

”All 31 of them are bold and wonderful! Gilead Sciences Greece goes one step further in its effort to increase the “intensity” of its message about the necessity for prevention, early diagnosis, and valid information. In this year’s campaign, the company’s male employees step forward, reminding us that “Breast cancer concerns us ALL” and not just women. They’re all husbands, sons, fathers, partners, brothers, friends, and colleagues who lead the way, reminding us that breast cancer is EVERYBODY’S ISSUE and we must contribute to its tackling to the best of our ability! Gilead supported Greece Race for the Cure®as an Official Sponsor.”

Source: Vicky Tsami/LinkedIn