Highlights from IBCG24 Retreat
The International Bladder Cancer Group (IBCG) hosted a session at the American Urological Association (AUA) meeting in San Antonio, Texas, on May 5, 2024. The session focused on the challenges of diagnosing and managing bladder cancer, with a particular emphasis on new treatments and techniques.
Later, the IBCG held a retreat in Houston, Texas, from August 22-24, 2024, to establish guidelines for intermediate-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and to develop strategies for therapy sequencing in muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC).
On this occasion, doctors and healthcare professionals have been sharing on their social media:
World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition:
“We’re here at the IBCG24 Retreat, together with leading bladder cancer experts, patient advocates and global partners.
It is enriching to follow expert discussions and share perspectives as the community pushes the boundaries of bladder cancer care and developing practical recommendations to guide diagnosis, treatment and care of bladder cancer.”
“Excellent presentation by my colleague Sarah P. Psutka, UW Urology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center on intermediate risk NMIBC trial designs and endpoints IBCG Debate/dialogue enables progress!”
“Awesome discussion with US and global pateint advocates World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition, Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network about disparities, access, awareness, financial tox, language barriers.”
“Wonderful presentation by brilliant Philippe Spiess co-leader of Global Society of Rare GU Tumors with Andrea Necchi kudos for working on bladder cancer histology subtypes! We finished a neoadjuvant trial in this population and will present data soon.”
“Honored to be part of the IBCG24 meeting, celebrating and aligning our guideline challenges aligned with our patients Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network, World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition, Fight Bladder Cancer. Proud to uphold our mission and guidelines, keeping our patients first.”
“Superb IBCG bladder cancer meeting meticulously organized with important topics discussed by thoughtful literature review and of consensus statements by global experts. Congrats Ashish this is great.”
“Just wrapped up an incredible IBCG meeting! Grateful for the brilliant minds and collaborative spirit driving advancements in bladder cancer care – making strides towards better outcomes for patients worldwide.”
“IBCG24 has officially concluded, and what an inspiring event it was! The passion, dedication, and collaboration on display were truly remarkable. A huge thank you to all the participants, especially our patient advocates, whose valuable insights and unwavering commitment to improving the lives of bladder cancer patients worldwide fuel our mission. We IBCG are deeply grateful for your partnership!
The IBCG is a global community united in the fight against bladder cancer. IBCG24 reminded us of the power of coming together to share knowledge, collaborate on research, and advocate for better patient care. As we plan for IBCG25, we welcome your ideas for topics to address- to push boundaries, challenge the status quo, and work tirelessly towards our shared mission.”
“Congrats to organising committee for a superb IBCG24. Wonderful to be in the company of colleagues who are so dedicated to improving outcomes for patients with bladder cancer and great to have this Kamat Lab reunion!”
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