Carmen Uscatu: What we’re doing with what we know?
Carmen Uscatu, President at Give Life NGO, shared on LinkedIn:
“And now, that we know, what we’re doing with what we know?
It is the inspiring title of an article from BIZ. Magazine
At the table where I was sitting with Oana last night, at the Biz Sustainability Gala, I opened the magazine on the table and came across this question.
I had no idea in 2015, when we started the Noi Facem Un Spital project, what awaited us. Nor did I know that our project to build toilets on the oncology ward would turn into a real hospital, nor that we would become part of a community of 350,000 people and over 8,000 companies that believed in what was initially a crazy dream.
When I received the award last night and then every day, I don’t hesitate to ask myself: what do we do now that we know? Do we know what we did well, and do we know where we went wrong?
What we do know for sure is that we won’t stop here. And Mădălina comes to confirm this for me. I met her last night at the gala, perhaps only to confirm that it’s worth moving forward.
For and with Madalina Andreea V. we fought at one point to convince the authorities that she deserved to live. For her and for other 2000 patients in similar situations.
Mădălina’s story is in the link in the comments.
We, Dăruiește Viață, Oana Gheorghiu and I, thank those who invited us yesterday to share our story: Mastercard, Diana-Maria Tanase, Biz, Marta Usurelu.
Thank you, Toader Paun, it’s always a pleasure to answer your questions.”
Source: Carmen Uscatu/LinkedIn
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