Rahul Banerjee:  Nice analysis of Australia/New Zealand multiple myeloma with emphasis on CRAB vs SLiM
Jul 9, 2024, 06:35

Rahul Banerjee: Nice analysis of Australia/New Zealand multiple myeloma with emphasis on CRAB vs SLiM

Rahul Banerjee, Assistant Professor at UW Medicine, made the following post on X:

“Now in The British Journal of Haematology – nice analysis of Australia/New Zealand multiple myeloma patients by Hang Quach et al, emphasis on CRAB vs SLiM-presenting myeloma.

PFS better with SLiM-only as expected, but PFS2 and OS also better: less resistant relapses when clones treated at earlier stages?”

Rahul Banerjee: Nice analysis of Australia/New Zealand multiple myeloma with emphasis on CRAB vs SLiM

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Source: Rahul Banerjee/X