October, 2024
October 2024
Mar 17, 2024, 15:34

Nazik Hammad: Very little is published about African women physicians. Out our new publication on African Women oncologists

Nazik Hammad posted on LinkedIn:

“Very proud of the publication of this unique scholarship. Very little is published about African women physicians. Out our new publication on African Women oncologists: similar challenges to those faced by their counterparts in North America and Europe with added burden of increased workload and social obligations, less mentorship and recognition.

Fierce pride in role played in bringing about change in cancer control and improving outcomes especially for women. We hope this research will generate activism and policy change in all LMICs.”

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Source: Nazik Hammad/LinkedIn

Nazik Hammad is a Sudanese Canadian Professor of medical oncology, at Saint Michael Hospital, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto . Her academic work and research interests include medical education and workforce development in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Other research and academic interests include value-based cancer care, global and local inequities and disparities in cancer, global health and global oncology, women as health care professionals and cancer in conflict zones. Together with colleagues in Africa she led the first Choosing Wisely Africa initiative. She is a co-author in the Lancet Oncology commission for Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa and is a commissioner in the Lancet Commission on Women, Power and Cancer.