Novel cancer genes in biliary tract cancers in PSC
Jul 7, 2024, 10:28

Novel cancer genes in biliary tract cancers in PSC

Arndt Vogel shared on a paper by Marit Grimsrud, et al:

“Off the Press: Whole-exome sequencing reveals novel cancer genes and actionable targets in biliary tract cancers in PSC.

Interesting data on molecular underpinnings of PSC- CCA. More to come, stay tuned.”

biliary tract cancers

Source: Arndt Vogel/X

Arndt Vogel, MD, is a Managing Senior Consultant and a Professor in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology at Hannover Medical School.

Leading the GI-Cancer Center and the Center for Personalized Medicine, his research focuses on translational and clinical studies in gastrointestinal cancer. He’s actively engaged in various societies including ESMO, ASCO, and EASL.

Additionally, he chairs the Hepatobiliary Cancer Study Group of the AIO, contributing significantly to clinical oncology in Germany. Within ESMO, he serves on the Guidelines Steering Committee.