Sondos Al khatib: I’m delighted to be chosen to receive one of three 2023 global health scholar grants, awarded by ASTRO and Association of residents in radiation oncology.
Sep 2, 2023, 18:36

Sondos Al khatib: I’m delighted to be chosen to receive one of three 2023 global health scholar grants, awarded by ASTRO and Association of residents in radiation oncology.

Sondos Al khatib, a Radiation Oncology resident at Henry Ford Hospital, recently shared on LinkedIn:

“I’m delighted to be chosen to receive one of three 2023 global health scholar grants, awarded by ASTRO and Association of residents in radiation oncology. Thanks to our residency program director, Dr. Mira Shah for her mentorship and leadership in global oncology.”

For details click here.
Source: Sondos Al khatib/LinkedIn