Taking Part in the 76th Session of the World Health Assembly- SIOP Weekly Bulletin
May 27, 2023, 16:05

Taking Part in the 76th Session of the World Health Assembly- SIOP Weekly Bulletin

SIOP’s presence at the WHA at the end of May was prepared in co-operation with the WHO committee chair and the on-site delegation consisting of the SIOP President, the SIOP Advocacy Chair, and SIOP Advocacy Committee member (Claire Wakefield).

Activities included:

  • Government side-event co-hosted in collaboration with SIOP: “Delivering Cancer Care for All: How Cities Can Drive Progress, Implement WHO Global Cancer Initiatives and Reach The Most Vulnerable”, with President Guillermo Chantada on the official agenda and presenting the needs in paediatric oncology
  • SIOP’s individual statement on Agenda item 13.2– ‘Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases, and mental health’ – reiterating support to the GICC global mapping and the high relevance of addressing childhood cancer in the NCD framework.
  • SIOP’s endorsement of a constituency statement on Agenda item 15– Health emergencies, focusing on workforce empowerment and protection, including references to paediatric oncology and nursing.

Source: SIOP Weekly Bulletin