February, 2025
February 2025
Rebecca Love: Thank you to Becker’s Healthcare for including me in this conversation by healthcare leaders on the State of nursing.
Aug 16, 2023, 14:15

Rebecca Love: Thank you to Becker’s Healthcare for including me in this conversation by healthcare leaders on the State of nursing.

Rebecca Love, Chief Clinical Officer at IntelyCare, stated the following in her LinkedIn post:

“Thank you to Becker’s Healthcare for including me in this conversation by healthcare leaders on the State of nursing.

Let me expand upon my statement: There is not a shortage of nurses in the US – there is a shortage of nurses willing to work in healthcare systems as they staff nurses. We can fix this – commit to nurse to patient ratios that allow for safe practice and more nurses will return to practicing at the bedside.

I especially applaud the statement by Maddy Pearson: ‘Speaking to CEOs in particular, I would advise that it is vital they fully understand the value and contributions of nursing in the broader context of delivering care and that financial and care delivery models should support nurses working at the top of their license,’ said Maddy Pearson, DNP, RN, chief nursing officer at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Thank you Nick Thomas for including me!”

For details: Click here
Source: Rebecca Love RN, MSN, FIEL / LinkedIn