February, 2025
February 2025
Iris Gorfinkel: As Canadian Provinces and Territories update their STARTING AGES for Mammogram SELF-Referrals
Apr 23, 2024, 08:28

Iris Gorfinkel: As Canadian Provinces and Territories update their STARTING AGES for Mammogram SELF-Referrals

Iris Gorfinkel, Family physician and Founder/Principal Investigator of PrimeHealth Clinical Research, shared a post by Dense breasts Canada, on X:

The times, they are a-changin’ …as Canadian Provinces and Territories update their STARTING AGES for Mammogram SELF-Referrals With heartfelt THANKS for all the GREAT advocacy! The hard lifting is NOT taken for granted.

Quoting Dense breasts Canada‘s post:

“Hard to keep up with exciting provincial changes. We’ve changed this map 5 times in last few months. We advocate across the country and our understanding is: 40 self referral for decades: BC, PEI, NS, YT
40 coming 2024: NB, ON
40 coming in? NL
40 in 2025: SK
45 now in AB, NWT.”

dense breasts canada

Source: Iris Gorfinkel/X and Dense breasts Canada/X

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