SIOP Europe Childhood Cancer Champions
Mar 28, 2024, 14:50

SIOP Europe Childhood Cancer Champions

Quoting SIOP Europe on LinkedIn:

“Our Childhood Cancer Champions!

Since International Childhood Cancer Day on 13 February 2024, Members of the European Parliament have been pledging their support to SIOPE and CCI-E’s European Elections Manifesto.

Our thanks go out to all of the MEPs who have endorsed and joined the campaign so far and chosen to demonstrate their commitment to support children and adolescents affected by cancer. It is vital that the EU continues to place a spotlight on childhood cancer in the next legislative term.

Are you running in the European Elections? By endorsing our manifesto, you too can play a pivotal role in shaping childhood cancer-specific initiatives that will save lives, improve the quality of survival, and eradicate inequalities.

Demonstrate your support here.”

Source: SIOP Europe/LinkedIn