Peter Pisters: Our work with International Atomic Energy Agency and now being named a Collaborating Centre underscores our dedication to fostering international collaborations
Feb 12, 2024, 18:03

Peter Pisters: Our work with International Atomic Energy Agency and now being named a Collaborating Centre underscores our dedication to fostering international collaborations

Peter Pisters, President at MD Anderson Cancer Center, shared

“Our work with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and now being named a Collaborating Centre underscores our dedication to fostering international collaborations. It is a testament to MD Anderson Cancer Center‘s commitment to advancing cancer research, prevention, treatment, and education on a global scale.”


MD Anderson is the first U.S. health care institution to be named an International Atomic Energy Agency Collaborating Centre.
‘This collaboration underscores our dedication to fostering international collaborations that accelerate progress, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where radiation treatment and diagnostic imaging capabilities are least accessible.’ says MD Anderson President Peter Pisters.

Read about our global efforts to end cancer.”
Peter Pisters: Our work with International Atomic Energy Agency and now being named a Collaborating Centre underscores our dedication to fostering international collaborations