Ido Didi Fabian: First review paper summarizing a new research field in medicine
Jan 30, 2024, 15:41

Ido Didi Fabian: First review paper summarizing a new research field in medicine

Ido Didi Fabian, Head of Sheba Global Ophthalmology and PI of the Global Retinoblastoma Study Group, posted on LinkedIn:

“When you find a first review paper in PubMed summarizing a new research field in medicine that was just created, it is a good indication that this new field is likely to leave a mark on humanity. GLOBAL RETINOBLASTOMA!

Well done Vijitha S Vempuluru and Swathi Kaliki on your publication: “Global retinoblastoma studies: A review””

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Source: Ido Didi Fabian/LinkedIn