Highlights of ASCOGI25 Day 1
The 2025 ASCO Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancers Symposium is taking place from Thursday, January 23 to Saturday, January 25.
This event is featuring the latest research, treatments, and strategies in the fight against GI cancers. Attendees can look forward to expert-led sessions on emerging therapies, clinical breakthroughs, and multidisciplinary approaches to patient care.
It’s a great opportunity to hear from leaders in the field and gain insights that can shape future cancer care.
For more details on the program and to register, check out the official Meeting Announcement and download the full schedule.
Our team at OncoDaily has selected a few highlights from ASCO GI 2025 that you should not miss:
“We are kicking off GI25!
We’re excited for a few days of celebrating GI cancer research, sharing innovations in the field, and building connections.
Stay tuned to our social channels for highlights and don’t forget to use the hashtag GI25.”
“Outcomes of patients with peritoneal-limited metastatic gastric cancer undergoing bidirectional CTx cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC.
- PRECISE-SG 1, single center RWD.
- mPFS 9.5.
- mOS 17.5mo.
- Surgery associated with better OS.”
“We need to bring biomarker testing in GI cancer up to the same standard we apply in breast cancer (where patients themselves are savvy enough to know & self-sort by receptor status).
Excellent summary of contemporary testing of gastric cancer.”
“What a phenomenal start of ASCO GI symposium!
Insights from GI25 : Novel findings on bispecific antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates for gastrointestinal cancers, with focus on resistance mechanisms and neoadjuvant strategies along with some insights on TIL therapy.
Thanks Dr. Weeks , Dr. Shitara ,Dr. Mekhail for promising sessions.”
“Thrilled to meet my mentor Rachna Shroff at GI25 Her guidance and expertise in GI oncology continue to inspire me as I navigate my career.
Grateful for everything.”
“Rand PhII trial of HB1801 (albumin-bound taxotere) vs taxotere in advanced G/GEJ adenocarcinoma after at least 1L platinum-based chemotherapy numerical but no significant difference in PFS.”
“It’s Day 1 of ASCO GI25!
Amazing start to the conference with updates from Dr. Weekes on emerging therapies in GI cancers!”
“New drugs taking the stage!
Albumin-bound docetaxel (HB1801) vs docetaxel for 2/3L gastric/GEJ
50% improvement in ORR!
- ORR 21.5% vs 14.3%.
- Minimal increase in mPFS.
- mPFS 4mo vs 2.7 mo.
- OS non-significant between arms.
- Side effects similar.
More work to be done but some progress along the way.”
“Rand PhIII trial SHR-1701 (bifunctional agent targeting PD-L1 and TGF-beta) and CAPOX in 1L HER2- met G/GEJ adenocarcinoma previously showed superior OS to CAPOX alone leads suppresses chemo-associated myelosuppression vs CAPOX with less use of blood cell growth factors.”
“When you run into Fabian Zohren, who you used to work at BCM Houston over 15 years ago in the Peggy Goodell at ASCO GI you know it’s going to be a great meeting! I am not only an advocate, I worked in cancer research for over 10 yrs before I was diagnosed with cancer.”
“Participating in ASCO GI 2025.
Gastric Cancer 1st line therapy biomarkers including HER2, PDL1 and CLDN18 are vital to guide targeted therapy.
Clinical trails are available and integrate these biomarkers.”
“I love seeing patient advocates at GI25!
Their insights remind us how vital it is to prioritize the patient voice in both care and research.
Together, we can make a difference.”
“Are you confused about biomarker testing in gastric cancer?
Precision Oncology continues to evolve. Excited to see these advancements transform patient care!”
“Excellent discussion on TNT in gastric cancer.
Adjuvant therapy in gastric cancer becomes challenging/problematic due to post-op complications, decline in PS, etc
- Number of adjuvant chemo cycles matter!
- Time before return to intended oncologic therapy (RIOT) matters!
- Promising data from MDACC and Mayo Clinic discussed, which shows promise in total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT).
Need for robust prospective data to push for a shift in paradigm.
Also shoutout to Tim Brown for chairing this wonderful session.”
“So disheartening to see the data of gender disparities in oncology leadership.
I also recognize the enormous privilege I have had thus far due to amazing he for she mentors/sponsors such as Jordan Berlin and Tanios Bekaii-Saab, among others. I know not everyone does.”
“There are over 40 abstracts at ASCO spotlighting health equity.
Let’s keep driving equitable access to diagnostics, treatments, and care for all communities. Inclusivity is key to advancing cancer care. Scan the QR code in the photo to learn more!”
“Is there such a thing as Mama Bear pride!??
Such an excellent session led by Junaid Arshad and colleagues.
Management of UGI cancers is complex – but so proud of our star junior faculty, University of Arizona Cancer Center.”
“Intraperitoneal and intravenous paclitaxel plus S-1 versus intravenous paclitaxel plus S-1 in gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis: Results from the multicenter, randomized, phase 3 DRAGON-01 trial.”
“Xuefeng Leng presents neoadjuvant chemoRT +/- sintilimab for ESCC.
Statistically significant improvement in pCR rates…but is this similar to the reduction in disease we see with CHECKMATE-577?
Will need long term survival data for both studies to see if sequence matters.”
“Phase 3 SCIENCE study.
Adding sintilimab to nCRT with carbo+taxol for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma improved pCR rates.
Long terms outcomes awaited (and are not guaranteed with improved pCR as we know).”
“Can you believe there’s over 80 years of patient advocacy in this photo!
We are passionate, we are determined, we are relentless!”
“Anna Dorothea Wagner presents EORTC-1203 GITC ‘INNOVATION’:
Integration of trastuzumab +/- pertuzumab into perioperative chemo in HER2+ GC. Adding HER-2 agents improves mpRR but didn’t result in OS benefit when amended to group with SOC FLOT. Treatment with noted toxicities.”
“Dr. Yoon discusses pathologic response in GEAC: not a great surrogate for survival.
Great slide.”
“Interesting phase 3 data on intraperitoneal therapy from China.
Soon to be studied in ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, Study lead by Brett Ecker soon.”
“Her2 blockade in resectable gastric cancer without benefit.
Addition of Herceptin +/- pertuzumab to FLOT did not have significant benefit for resectable gastric patients.
EORTC-1203, Notable response rate improvement adding trastuzumab to chemotherapy (23 vs 37 %).
Negative study, but more to come for anti-her2 therapies in gastric.”
“Disappointing results from the Ph2 INNOVATION trial, maybe FLOT-T is a well tolerated option to improve tumor downsizing for surgery…
Brilliant discussion by Dr. Yoon on pCR and HER2 challenges in resectable GEA.”
“Pooled CAO/ARO/AIO-12 and OPRA Rectal trials.
Study suggests that selective WW compared with planned surgery offers:
Comparable OS and DFS!!
Supports WW as a highly appropriate, and potentially preferable, option for patients with cCR after TNT.”
“Heinz-Josef Lenz presents an algorithm for biomarker-driven mgmt of advanced/metastatic her2-negative esophagogastric cancer.”
“Oligometastatic Esophageal- Gastric cancer.
How u define it ? How to treat them?
Can we treat them more aggressively? Can we come out of palliative box?
Nice discussion by Dr. Moehler.”
“Excited to tune into the breakout session today: Optimizing Palliative Management for Metastatic Upper GI Cancers – The Importance of Multidisciplinary Care!
Enjoyed this session with interesting case presentations.”
“Great presentation by Chao Yan!
Intraperitoneal and systemic paclitaxel vs systemic paclitaxel alone in Gastric peritoneal disease, 222 patients.
Fantastic increase in surgical conversion (50% vs 35%) and a very nice OS increase.
mOS 19.4 vs 13.9 months.
With IP falling out of favor for many tumor types, maybe a roll in gastric?”
“What an amazing session by Nina Niu Sanford and Sanjay Wani!
GI25 Great discussion on ESOPEC, TOPGEAR and other trials and breakdown of current practice guidelines! Insightful!”
“One of the best parts of ASCO GI is the annual lunch with the Levine Cancer GI onc team. Wouldn’t be where I am without the man, myth, legend Jimmy Hwang. Grateful for my LCI fam’s mentorship.”
“We’re excited to announce that the Colorectal Cancer Alliance is at GI25!
Visit our booth and learn more about Project Cure CRC.
Booth days, Don’t miss out—stop by and say hello!”
“Pamela Kunz, delivering an amazing Keynote during ASCOGI25.
Disrupting Gastrointestinal Oncology: Shattering Barriers With Inclusive Science.”
“Trastuzumab with or without pertuzumab for peri-op CTx of HER-2+ GC, ASCOGI25.
- mpRR: 23 vs 37 vs 26%.
- 3yr OS rate: 75 vs 76 vs 65%.
- High Tox for CTx + T + P.
- Negative trial, but high mpRR by adding Trastuzumab to chemotherapy.”
“Pamela Kunz inspirational and courageous presentation at ASCOGI25 – Disrupting Gastrointestinal Oncology: Shattering Barriers With Inclusive Science.
“CTx and sintilimab vs chemoradiotherapy and sintilimab vs chemoradiotherapy for neoadj. treatment in resectable locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, ASCOGI25.
- pCR: 13 vs 47.3 vs 60%.
- More TEAEs in group B.
- Adding ICI to nCRT looks effective, manageable AEs.”
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