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February 2025
Sami (Papacek) Mansfield: Rising Pancreatic Cancer Rates in Younger Adults
Nov 15, 2024, 12:26

Sami (Papacek) Mansfield: Rising Pancreatic Cancer Rates in Younger Adults

Sami (Papacek) Mansfield, Founder of Cancer Wellness for Life, shared a post on LinkedIn:

“More awareness that cancer is no longer a disease common in older adults!

Rising Pancreatic Cancer Rates in Younger Adults: The Need for Risk Reduction Awareness.

A new survey by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center– reveals a concerning gap: while pancreatic cancer rates are increasing in adults under 50, most people still believe this disease only affects older adults and that there’s nothing they can do to reduce their risk.

Key Findings:
Among adults under 50:
– 53% couldn’t recognize early signs or symptoms of pancreatic cancer
– 37% believe there’s no way to reduce their risk
– 33% still think only older adults are at risk

Reality Check:
Pancreatic cancer rates have been climbing by about 1% annually, with more cases emerging in people as young as 40.

“Risk reduction must become part of prevention says Zobeida Cruz-Monserrate, PhD, co-leader of OSUCCC – James Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention Program.

Modifiable Risk Factors:
While genetic factors like the BRCA gene and Lynch syndrome account for about 10% of pancreatic cancers, there are modifiable lifestyle choices we can control:

– Healthy weight maintenance Obesity increases pancreatic cancer risk by 20%
– Limit alcohol and adopt a more plant predominant diet with reduced red/processed meats
– Regular exercise – emphasizing resistance training will improve blood glucose disposal, which provides HUGE value for both obesity and reducing diabetes, another risk factor in pancreatic cancer.

Until better screening and diagnostic tools are available, these lifestyle changes are essential in reducing risk.

Call to Action:
This disease often progresses without symptoms until advanced stages. While researchers are actively seeking better ways to detect and treat pancreatic cancer, lifestyle choices are crucial for prevention.

Let’s spread awareness, support ongoing research, and take proactive steps toward healthier choices.

Share this post to help others understand that risk reduction is possible.”

Sami (Papacek) Mansfield is the founder of Cancer Wellness for Life. She’s been a certified cancer exercise specialist since 2003 and has dedicated her career to implementing evidence-based lifestyle education, resources and tools into cancer care for both the patients and the providers. She is also a Chair of Cancer Member Interest Group, at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Breast Cancer Taskforce Co-Chair at Colorado Cancer Coalition.

Read more posts by Sami (Papacek) Mansfield on OncoDaily.