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ASCO24 Updates: Dr. Shushan Hovsepyan on Challenges in Publishing Pediatric Oncology Research
Oct 29, 2024, 09:37

ASCO24 Updates: Dr. Shushan Hovsepyan on Challenges in Publishing Pediatric Oncology Research

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting is one of the largest and most prestigious conferences in the field of oncology. This year, the meeting took place from May 31 to June 4 in Chicago, Illinois. The event gathers oncologists, researchers, and healthcare professionals from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in cancer research, treatment, and patient care. Keynote sessions, research presentations, and panel discussions are typically part of the agenda, providing attendees with valuable insights into emerging trends and innovations in oncology.

This year, OncoDaily was at ASCO 2024 for the first time covering the meeting on-site. We had the pleasure of interviewing researchers who summarized the highlights of their work.

In this video, Dr. Shushan Hovsepyan, Pediatric Oncologist and Editor-in-Chief of OncoDaily Medical Journal, shared insights on ‘The science of getting published: Key factors influencing publication in pediatric oncology.

Hello, I’m Shushan Hovsepyan, Pediatric Oncologist and the Editor-in-Chief of OncoDaily Medical Journal, and I had the pleasure to present my abstract at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2024.

Usually, the publication process in the science takes a lot of time and effort, and to investigate the process in pediatric oncology, we decided to look at all abstracts that got accepted to ASCO Annual Meetings starting from 2017, and then review the transition of abstract to publication only in pediatric oncology. So, we found 521 abstracts, and we looked at multiple variables starting from the gender of the first author, the country of the first author, the institution, the number of institutions, the number of authors, the funding that abstract received, the presentation type, whether it’s an oral abstract, poster, or a publication only.

So, we found out that the meantime to publication takes about 21 months for oral abstracts, 17 months for posters, and about 20 months for publication only, which is quite a long time for disseminating the research fundings. And at the same time, we found that the low- and middle-income countries were only 7%, which is a challenge for global meetings. Our abstract underscores the importance of funding and the presentation type in the transition of abstract to publication.

I would encourage oncologists from low- and middle-income countries to apply for more fundings and to send abstracts more often than it is.

More videos and content from ASCO 2024 on OncoDaily.