October, 2024
October 2024
Massive Bio is an absolute game-changer for people with cancer looking for trials. Here was my experience with it last week – Bree Burks
Jun 20, 2023, 14:21

Massive Bio is an absolute game-changer for people with cancer looking for trials. Here was my experience with it last week – Bree Burks

For those following the patient-side of our clinical trial journey, I HAVE A RESOURCE YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT!

Massive Bio is an absolute game-changer for people with cancer looking for trials. Here was my experience with it last week.

(Note that I had ZERO contacts within the company and had the standard patient experience.)

Within 24 hours, I had a personalized report (see graphic) in-hand outlining trials we were a match for. I also spoke directly to their incredibly compassionate, knowledgeable staff. DIRECTLY (no holding on the phone). The report they generated outlined 8 trials for me using some impressive AI techniques. Each trial had notes from our navigator on considerations unique to our case and the medical records I provided. (Yes, they also take your medical records OR SOURCE THEM FOR YOUR IF PREFERRED.)

Here is why this service is a game-changer:
1. It uses incredible AI techniques to find matching trials

This report picked up on trials that everything else I used missed. Specifically, it found basket and platform trials that were NOT based on a single cancer-type (which many previous searches had to be based on). So, I had even more studies for general metastasis I might never have found otherwise.

2. Flexibility across locations to find studies

We had a mindset of “where are the best trials and physicians, and how do we transition care there?” Scrolling through hundreds of sites trial by trial was not working at scale to narrow down a new location for treatment. Massive Bio made this so easy.


I was provided with a direct line to an Oncology Nurse. I talked to her right away. (Kate H., my navigator, gave me permission to share.) She was so knowledgeable.

I asked Kate these questions-
-What are the key differences between A & B studies in your opinion?
-Specific to our case, which I/E criteria might we need more info on before we KNOW we qualify?
-What would you do if this was your family member?
-For earlier phase studies, is the current standard of care exclusionary during participation?
-What data can you find on earlier phase study results if it exists?
-What detailed contact info can you find for these sites?
-What type of additional genetic testing do we need for deep inclusion criteria, and which company should we use for it?
-What trials are most on your radar for the specific cancer we are dealing with and why (as she has these conversations all day long)?
-What else should I be asking you as part of my search?

Kate H, you are incredible! I needed a PERSON with compassion and expertise to walk me through this in an UNBIASED way. You provided more than I could have imagined and were pivotal in setting our course. You’re a hero and will be part of our story forever!


Source: Bree Burks/Linkedin