October, 2024
October 2024
Françoise Meunier: Creating a more equitable environment for cancer survivors
Oct 16, 2024, 13:03

Françoise Meunier: Creating a more equitable environment for cancer survivors

“I am pleased to be speaking at the upcoming webinar, ‘Right to be Forgotten,’ on Monday 21 October 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM CET. This event, part of the ECHoS Project’s ‘Cancer Mission Impact: A Practitioners’ Series,’ will address the crucial issue of the right to be forgotten and its implications for the quality of life of cancer survivors.

The right to be forgotten is not merely a legal concept; it is an important measure aimed at ensuring cancer survivors are not unfairly treated when seeking access to financial services and other essential aspects of life. Despite progress, there is still work to be done across Europe to ensure that those in long-term remission can move forward without facing unnecessary obstacles or discrimination.

I will be joining Prof. Christine Chomienne, Prof. Mark Lawler, and moderator Dr. Marius Geanta to discuss how we can create a more equitable environment for cancer survivors.

For those interested in this topic or looking to learn more, I encourage you to register for the webinar here.”

ECHoS – Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies shared this post on LinkedIn, adding:

“Don’t miss the upcoming Webinar: ‘Right to be Forgotten’

Data: 21 October 2024
Time: 3:00 to 5:00 PM CET

Part of the ECHoS Project ‘Cancer Mission Impact: A Practitioners’ Series. Learn. Test. Come-back’ this webinar features Prof. Françoise Meunier, along with Prof. Christine Chomienne and Prof. Mark Lawler, moderated by Marius Geanta.

Registrate now!

The right to be forgotten has been one of the European Commission’s priorities in the Beating Cancer Plan, as part of the objective of improving the quality of life for cancer patients, survivors, and carers. Numerous cancer survivors in long-term remission receive unfair access to financial services hence, it is important that communities across all MS/AC work together to change that scenario.”

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